Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sutil Violento

I enjoy when I go to museums, because is very interesting to know new artist and their work. Last week, I went to Bellas Artes Museum and I saw an exhibition that I like very much. This art exhibition called Sutil Violento, it was very particular. Many artist exhibit their work about the violence that Latin America has suffer. The artist were 16 photographers of many countries of Latin America. The photographers work showed the reasons and consequences about the violence in L.A, violence provoked by the governments of the countries. They showed too, about poverty, colonialism, mass-production, consumerism, deculturación, social differences, intolerance, frustration, melancholy, and more. The authors that exhibit their art in the museum were: Ananke Assef, Eduardo Gil, Marcos López, RES (Argentina) André Cypriano, Júlio Bittencourt, Miguel Rio Branco (Brasil), Pablo Rivera (Chile), René Pena (Cuba) Rodolfo Walsh (Salvador), Daniela Edburg, Maya Goded (México) Rachelle Mozman (Panamá) Fredi Casco (Paraguay) Milagros de la Torre (Perú) Nelson Garrido (Venezuela).

Since I was a baby, I go to museums, because my mother is an artist...and I go with her. Is the moment when we both spend time together and talk about life. For me it´s very important this activity in my life, I can think, enjoy and more...